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Schedule A Tour

To enhance the resident’s well-being, outdoor visits will be provided with supervision and appropriate infection control steps.  Visits will be monitored at all times. There will be a specified outdoor area that is covered.  Only one resident visit at a time and the visit will be scheduled to last 20 minutes, to provide the opportunity for the majority of residents to receive visits. There will be a period of time between visits to ensure proper cleaning and social distancing.  Specific hours will be set up for visits. Families and residents will be educated and encouraged to give their input regarding the best times for visits.  The facility will try to meet the needs of the residents while also maintaining the safest practice.  This plan will be adapted and modified with the changes in the community phases and direction of the local and state health departments.

Guidelines for Outdoor Visitation:

  1. All visitors will be screened prior to the visit. (Symptom and temperature checks).
  2. All visitors will wear a face covering and use an alcohol-based hand rub. 
  3. Visitors must stay six feet away from residents at all times.  No hugging, kissing, or shaking of hands.
  4. The visit will occur outdoors under supervision. Staff supervision will be in the line of sight, while also allowing as much privacy as possible for the visit. 
  5. Outdoor visits are by appointment only.  Contact Joanna Gennick (Joanna@woodlandcarecenter.com) to set up a day and time for a visit. 
  6. Residents will be screened prior to the visit. (Symptom and temperature checks). 
  7. If a resident is suspected or confirmed of having COVID-19 they cannot participate in outdoor visits. 
  8. Residents may have two people at each visit, with only one visit per day.

Woodland Care Center is looking forward to working with families and residents to provide these important interactions. Any questions or concerns, please contact Justin Settlemier, Jennifer Lennox, or Stephanie Smith.

Schedule by calling: 360.225.9443

Or Email Us:
