If you are staying at the Woodland Care Center, why not explore the city itself!
One of Woodland’s most popular attractions are the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens. Hulda Klager began established the gardens by hybridizing lilacs in 1905. By 1920 she had created 14 new varieties, showcasing her lilacs every spring and would eventually develop over 250 varieties. The gardens were organized into a nonprofit foundation in 1976 preserving the gardens for the public today. The gardens contain more than 90 varieties of lilacs, as well as Victorian gardens and farmhouse.
If you enjoy flowers you can also check out the Woodland Tulip Festival! It occurs in April every year for two weeks, with its gift shop offering special items just for the festival.
Visiting the Cedar Grist Mill is like taking a step into the past and boasts beautiful scenery all year around sitting at the bottom of a narrow gorge. This is the only grain grinding mill in Washington that still holds its original structure since 1879. You can venture inside the mill to see how it operates or you can spend time outside for relaxing views of the bridge and stream. The last Saturday of October is its annual Apple Cider Pressing, where you can volunteer to help the mill press all 8,000 pounds of apples.
During the summer, Woodland begins its Hot Summer Nights on the plaza! Here, every Friday night from mid July through mid August, live music starts at 7pm and ends at 9 pm at Hoffman Plaza in Downtown Woodland.
Woodland hosts the Planters Days Festival. This is a four day festival in the middle of June, which celebrates the construction of the dikes along the Columbia and Lewis Rivers preventing the annual flooding in the Woodland area. It hosts different activities and events a multiple locations, including an art walk, parade, fireworks show, a talent contest, and many more! This is an event where everyone in Woodland comes together to celebrate its community and city.