Since the report of positive staff test results, we have completed a second round of PCR testing. We’re happy to report that we’ve received all NEGATIVE test results on ALL RESIDENTS so far. We still have two resident test results pending.
The second testing method we have used is called PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) testing and it is highly accurate.
We have also received PCR test results back on all staff and there are no new cases of COVID to report. Additionally, of the first two staff that tested positive, one staff member tested negative and one tested positive.
This means that we have ONE known positive case and that staff member is quarantined at home.
As a precaution, all staff and residents with known exposure to this individual are quarantining safely in their homes and rooms.
We will continue testing weekly and report any new test results or other pertinent information regarding this outbreak
As always, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to call at 360-225-9443 and ask for the following staff:
Stephanie Smith – Infection Preventionist/Staff Development Coordinator
Jennifer Lennox- Director of Nursing
Justin Settlemier-Administrator
We know how stressful this is and we will continue to do our best to keep you informed of any new cases and making sure all social distancing and PPE use is strictly being followed.
Justin Settlemier, NHA